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Online CBT therapy
Online CBT therapy

Online CBT therapy

Sometimes our thinking is not entirely in line with actual events. We might think negatively about current situations because of bad things that have happened to us in the past. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a method of working with a therapist to realign your thoughts with the facts of the situation.

About CBT

About CBT

CBT examines the interaction between negative thoughts, difficult emotions, unhelpful behaviour and the environment.

For example...

If I think that someone has deliberately tried to offend me, this might cause feelings of anger, anxiety or sadness. These feelings may become overwhelming and start to interfere with my everyday interactions with people.

My behaviour may be affected in a number of ways: I may write an angry email, confront that person or become withdrawn and quiet. This behaviour may lead to negative consequences in my environment – such as falling out with people, or getting into trouble at work. These negative consequences further feed into my negative thoughts and feelings.

In CBT, a therapist helps you to identify and understand how these patterns uniquely affect you. Unhelpful strategies are identified and replaced with helpful strategies. Through treatment, you will learn alternative responses to negative thoughts and feelings.

Online psychotherapy consultation
About Russell Wharton

Flexible approach

CBT is a flexible approach that is used to treat numerous problems: depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, childhood abuse, low self esteem, anger, pain, addiction, relationship problems, jealousy, confidence issues and a range of other difficulties.

Russell Wharton is a BABCP accredited CBT practitioner. BABCP accreditation ensures that your CBT therapist has undergone rigorous training and continues to maintain high standards of practice.

Online psychotherapy consultation
Benefits of online therapy

Benefits of online therapy

Accessing therapy online has a few benefits compared to the stress of attending an in-person appointment.

  • It’s easier to fit around work, childcare and other life commitments.
  • Sessions in the comfort of your home can feel more private and less anxiety-provoking than going to a clinic.
  • Online therapy opens up the option of seeing a therapist in a completely different part of the UK to where you currently live.
  • Seeing a therapist in person in a big city can be expensive. You can meet with an equally qualified accredited therapist online for a more competitive price.
  • The first session is so important - with an online initial assessment you won’t arrive stressed having had to find the building, work out parking etc.
  • Sessions can still take place if your car breaks down or you are suffering a minor illness.
  • Kinder to the environment.
  • For clients with conditions such as Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, attending in person has a physical impact that can be avoided by online access.

Straightforward fees

Online therapy consists of an initial assessment and then a number of treatment sessions according to the complexity of the problem. You can book appointments to suit your schedule with early evening appointments available.

Appointments 9:00am - 5:00pm


Appointintments 5:00pm - 7:00pm



Online psychotherapy consultation

Book your initial assessment

Use this form or message us on WhatsApp to get started, we'll be in touch to book your initial assessment